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Employee Picks: Megan Anderson

Posted by Mekenna Malan on

This post is a part of ROOLEE's Employee Picks, a blog series highlighting ROOLEE employee's favorite new arrivals.

Megan, let's get to know you better!

What's your position at ROOLEE? 

I manage the Photography Team! This includes helping coordinate outfits, being an assistant at photoshoots, and generally making sure all the photoshoots go smoothly. I also style a lot of the ROOLEE Kids shoots!

Describe your personal style.

My personal style is practically anything from ROOLEE (it’s a problem). I’m a fan of cropped jeans, distressed mom-fit jeans, button-up tops (huge fan of collars over here, too), anything striped, and chunky sweaters! Preppy/trendy might be a good word for it.

Where is your favorite place you've traveled to and why? 

I loved the Philippines (where I served an LDS mission) because of the tropical and WARM weather! But I also love the Oregon Coast because of the beaches and rainy weather.

What makes you feel confident?

I feel most confident when I’m wearing something I feel good in and that fits well! I always find myself wanting to buy things that I think other people will like, but if it doesn’t make me feel good in it, it’s not worth it! Whether I bought it two sizes bigger so it could fit how I wanted, or even if it’s a well-loved (and slightly worn out) pair of jeans, I’m all for it!

What do you like to do outside of ROOLEE?

I love to be outdoors and spend time with my hubby Hayden and family. We also have a huge habit of binge-watching Friends! Hayden and I have also started a photography business and love working on it together!

What is one item in your closet that you can't live without?

A PAIR OF BLACK JEANS. No question. :)

What are your top 3 favorites from this week's release?

Kingsbury Denim Jumpsuit 
Marlow Cardigan in Olive
Golden Days Flannel

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