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How To Declutter Your Wardrobe For Spring

Posted by Kelsie Nelson on

Decluttering your wardrobe can be an overwhelming task, but it’s a necessary step in creating a clean, organized space that allows you to easily see and access your clothing options. Whether you’re downsizing, moving, or simply trying to simplify your life, decluttering your wardrobe is a great place to start! In this blog post, we’ll provide some helpful tips and tricks to declutter your wardrobe and create a closet you'll love!



Start with a plan

Before diving into your wardrobe, take some time to create a plan of action! Decide what areas of your wardrobe you want to tackle first, and how much time you're willing to devote to the task. Set realistic goals for yourself and stick to them. Depending on the size of your wardrobe, decluttering can take a few hours or an entire day. Make sure you have enough time to focus on the task without interruptions or distractions! 

Neutral clothing rack. Photo by Alyssa Strohmann on UnsplashPhoto by Alyssa Strohmann on Unsplash



Take everything out

To get a better sense of what you have in your wardrobe, take everything out and lay it on your bed or on the floor. This will help you see exactly what you own and make it easier to sort through your items. 

Empty closet. Photo by Steven Ungermann on UnsplashPhoto by Steven Ungermann on Unsplash



Create piles for keep, donate, and discard

The next step is to sort through your clothes and create three piles: keep, donate, and discard. The 'keep' pile should include clothing items that you wear regularly and love. The 'donate' pile should include clothing items that are in good condition but no longer fit or that you don’t wear often. The discard pile should include clothing items that are stained, ripped, or worn beyond repair.

While sorting through the items you no longer wear, be sure to check out if there are platforms you can use to resell some of those items! For example, for all your pre-loved ROOLEE items, you can sell them through our certified Resell platform called, ROOLEE Refresh.

Clothing pile. Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash.Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash



Ask the tough questions and be honest with yourself

When deciding what to keep and what to donate or discard, be honest with yourself about what you actually wear and what you don’t. Ask yourself some tough questions: Does this item fit me well? Have I worn it in the past year? Is it still in good condition? Does it match my current style? If the answer is no to any of these questions, consider donating or selling the item.

Sorting clothing. Photo by Becca McHaffie.Photo by Becca McHaffie on Unsplash.



Organize what you’re keeping

Once you’ve sorted through your entire wardrobe, organize what you're keeping in a way that makes sense to you. This might mean hanging items on hangers or folding them neatly in drawers. Consider organizing your clothing by type (shirts, pants, dresses, etc.) or by color to make it easy to find what you’re looking for. I would recommend investing in good hangers, drawer organizers, and storage solutions to make the most of your space.

Clothing rack. Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash.Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash  



Maintain your newly decluttered wardrobe

Finally, make sure to maintain your newly decluttered wardrobe by regularly going through your clothes and repeating the process. This will help ensure that your wardrobe stays organized and clutter-free in the long term. Remember, decluttering takes time and effort, but the end result is worth it. Good luck!

organized closet. Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash



Check out ROOLEE Refresh here!

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