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Behind the Scenes with ROOLEE in Europe!

Posted by Mekenna Malan on

Three photographers, one videographer, two models, and three countries in seven days. Was it dreamy? Yes! Did everything go according to plan? Of course not! The ROOLEE team talks about the highs and lows of their recent content trip to Europe, behind-the-scenes details, and how Instagram makes things look more glamorous than they really are below.

"After an 11-hour redeye flight, we found ourselves with four hours in Paris on a layover. Most of the girls had never been to Paris and they asked if I thought we could go to the center of town for a photo op and a crepe. It would be tight, but hey, why not try?...

Everyone wanted the coveted picture in front of the tower, but this was a content trip after all, so we wanted to capture ROOLEE product as well. This necessitated creative outfit changes, as public bathrooms are not always easy to come by in Europe." - Chad, VP of Marketing

"I think the most common misconception with influencer trips is that they’re spent exploring, relaxing, and eating delicious food all day. While some of the time that was true, the majority of the day was spent getting killer content and marketing for ROOLEE...

What most people don’t see behind all the pretty pictures is our models/influencers changing in the street, us running around finding the best locations, everyone sweating from the humidity and heat, and the not-so-glamorous travel days. We spent 3 whole days traveling from country to country during the trip!" - Kennedy, photographer 

"What wasn’t shown in the beautiful photographs is the craziness that went on behind the scenes! For starters, my luggage was lost during the entire trip. When you think of buying all new outfits for a big trip, don’t do it...

The only thing I had was my makeup because I said to my husband before I left, 'If anyone loses a bag on this trip, it’s going to be me!' I also suggest not putting those negative vibes out into the universe because apparently IT WILL HAPPEN. So yeah, I guess when you go to a foreign country with a group of strangers and have to rely on them for shampoo/conditioner, clothes, curling irons, etc., you pretty much become family." - Paige, model and influencer

"Europe was definitely a huge adventure! I didn’t realize that the language barrier was going to be as hard as it actually was.

Chad was the only one who spoke Spanish and I can’t even count how many times one of us said 'What would we do without Chad?'" - Aubrie, model

"I think the most amazing thing about our trip to Europe was the content created. When you look at the images you see our beautiful models, a beautiful location, and an outfit that you can’t live without (we hope, wink wink). Overall, you see a beautiful image. What you don’t see are all the lost bags, the shoes that didn’t make it through customs, the heat, the humidity and the freezing rain. You don’t see the early morning flights and train rides, or the late nights of steaming and prepping for the photoshoots.

You also don’t see all the laughter and the love that each of us has for our job. We all love what we do so much, which plays such a vital role in the content we create. We style everything with our customers in mind and hope that when you look at our images and clothing, you know it’s genuinely all for you." 

- Karlee, photography manager and stylist

"When I was asked to go on the Europe trip, I was excited about the opportunity to be apart of it, but I didn’t think much about the logistics and all that would go into it...

I quickly learned that our first international trip as a photography team would come with its own set of challenges. We lost multiple suitcases, as well as a shipment of shoes, which made it difficult to accomplish everything that we wanted to. But despite all the setbacks, we learned a lot and were able to get some great content! - Jessie, photo assistant

"On our last night in Spain, the girls got to choose the restaurant. Their choice? Five Guys Burgers...

Yep, that's what everyone was craving! Sometimes after being away from home for several days, a little taste of home hits the spot. - Chad, VP of Marketing

"I’ll never forget watching Bachelor in Paradise all squeezed into one bed after a full day of shooting, or the people singing "Old Town Road" when we walked into a restaurant wearing our hats, or running through the streets of Stockholm at night being ‘loud Americans’...

Nothing compares to traveling with such amazing people like those on the ROOLEE team. I can honestly say that the highlight of the trip was the people I was with. Overall, I wouldn't trade the experience for anything! - Kennedy, photographer

"Regardless of nothing going to plan, we had a lot of laughs, A TON of Swedish chocolate, and a lot of fun!

I can’t even express how much love I have for these girls and this ROOLEE family. It still seems surreal that I was able to go! Every time something went wrong all we could do was just laugh and say, 'Oh man, I really hope [we get to] go on another trip together.'” - Aubrie, model

"I feel so grateful I was able to go on the trip and feel even more grateful for the friendships I made on it...

I cried when I said goodbye to everyone when the trip came to an end. CRIED! It’s ok, I’ll be that sobbing lame-o in the airport any day if it means I get to hang out with that crew again." - Paige, model and influencer 

"My time in Spain & Sweden with ROOLEE was such an incredible experience. It was so fun to work alongside such awesome talent and influencers...

While we saw some incredible things on our trip abroad, there were times it was far from glamorous. Traveling isn’t always “picture perfect.” There is always so much work that goes on behind the scenes. We had plenty of moments of racing and almost missing our train and flights, working many long hours, shooting in the rain in Sweden and the heat in Spain, and getting very little sleep. The experience was challenging at times, but so rewarding and definitely something I’d do again in a heartbeat. - Reggie, videographer

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  • This was so fun to read! What a fun thing for the roolee fam to do! Do you guys have a preset that you use on photos? They are always so darling!!

    Kaitlin Worthington on
  • This is reality! I can totally relate! My 1st trip to Paris was a mess! Italy was better, and luckily so many people spoke Spanish, so I didn’t struggle as much. Germany was the hardest for me! Reading your story made me just want to help you if I knew you were here! I live in Paris now, and I know the struggle of getting around. And it’s great to know someone who knows good spots around town so that you don’t waste time. What an amazing journey for you guys! Round of applause for your trip in a small amount of time with obstacles non stop! You guys did great!

    Stephanie on
  • I love this! Thanks for sharing such a real side of this trip. I absolutely love the style of photography that you guys have. Do you use a preset for your photos?

    Haili on

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