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Life as a Mom: With ROOLEE Owner, Kylee Champlin

Posted by Samantha Spackman on

Motherhood is a beautiful journey. Whether nurturing little ones at home or climbing the career ladder, being a mom can be challenging but one of the most rewarding jobs. For moms running businesses, balancing roles takes on a whole new level. In a brief interview with Kylee Champlin, the owner of ROOLEE, we explored her perspective and journey of being a mom- the joys, the challenges, and everything in between. Let's dive in!


1: How many kids do you have?

4 of the cutest kiddos in the world! Milo, my oldest daughter is 9 going on 14. She loves all things crafty/creative! She is currently into makeup, skincare, mom’s clothes + anything that makes her feel like a teenager. Leo is 6 years old + loves all things sports! Football, basketball, soccer + living room wrestling are his favs. He is working hard to save up his money to go to a Chiefs game this fall. Roczen is our 4 year old, bowl cut buddy. He keeps us all laughing every day. He can beat anyone + everyone in chess (“chest” as he calls it), + makes more baskets in our living room double shot than any of us. Murphie is our baby girl + will turn 2 in August. She is the center of our world + the best little napper!”

2: How many kids do you want?

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to stop having little babies. I love them tooooo much! Maybe once Milo becomes a teenager + I realize problems get bigger with older kids, it will slow me down, haha.” 


3: What do you enjoy doing with your kids?

“I love movie nights! We get our popcorn maker out, melt the butter, add peanut butter M&Ms, someone takes drink orders, snacks, blankets, the whole works. We don’t take movie night lightly. Swimming in St.George at grandma + grandpa’s house is another favorite. Park dates when the sun is shining. Target runs to Ogden. Traveling + making memories together. Coloring giant coloring pages. Making banana bread muffins. Playing Clue + Cover Your Kingdoms. Honestly, just spending time with them when I can be fully present is the greatest thing ever. They are cooler than I’ll ever be. Making sure everyone is fed + watered is key, especially Dad, haha.”

4: What advice would you give future mothers?

“Take it one day at a time. Some days, we feel like we can do it all. Other days, it is hard to get out of bed, let alone take care of these precious children who count on us for everything. Give yourself grace. I have recently had so many older people who have watched me trying to keep it all together with four energetic kids say to me, “I miss when my kids were little! Enjoy it because it really does go by soooo fast.”  I have these moments of thinking about them growing up and not needing me to snuggle, play with + make a snack + it makes me so sad. I am doing my best to embrace the chaos + soak up these priceless moments with them while they are young. Is it exhausting? Absolutely. Is it hard? The hardest thing I’ve ever done. Is it worth it? 1,000%. I am supposed to be teaching them, + feel like they are truly teaching me what life is all about.”


5: What mother figure in your life do you admire + why?

“My angel mother has always been my hero. My business partner, my mentor, my kind-hearted, stylish, protective, always-has-my-back, best friend. She is the hardest worker in the room + is always selflessly serving everyone around her. I wouldn’t be the person I am today + ROOLEE wouldn’t be what it is today without her. Her example makes me want to be the best version of myself. I am forever grateful for the unconditional love she has shown me through all the ups and downs life has thrown at us. We live around the corner from each other, + I feel incredibly lucky that I get to spend so many of my days alongside her. 

My mother-in-law, Linda, is another mother figure in my life that I absolutely adore. She radiates love, genuine kindness, + pure sunshine. I admire her intentionalism + calmness. She finds beauty in the simple things in life, + I find that so special. She has spent countless hours on the ground playing with every one of my kids so that Chad + I can put in the hours needed to keep this business alive. She is a warm hug on a stressful day, a shoulder I cry on, the best cheerleader! You know those people you enjoy being in the same room with? She is exactly that. I am so grateful for her.”

6: How do you balance work life with being a mom?

“The million-dollar question. I am definitely no master at this. It is something that is really hard + has required a lot of patience + adapting. As a business owner, the work never ends. Especially when your husband does the same thing, you could talk about work when you wake up, before bed, and all the minutes between. Something that we’ve tried really hard to do (which is not always easy) is work when we are at work + be present with the kids when we are home. It sounds silly, but we struggled for a long time trying to do them at the same time and found it usually created a stressful environment for both us + our kids. We now have our week set up with certain days that I work in the office + Chad stays home with the kids, certain days that Chad works in the office + I stay home with the kids, + days we work together/have a sitter. We feel so fortunate that this allows us to both have a career/creative outlet + time at home raising our kids. If we need to take care of something business-related while we are both home, one of us will try to step out of the room + handle it without the chaos of the kids escalating the situation.”

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  • My mother, “the saving guardian angel of children!” My mother, was a teacher and taught all levels, from early HeadStart to High School. She couldn’t have children of her own. My parents are not my biological parents, but they will always be considered so. My parents were foster parents and my mother was the first call made, as she was the go-to person for the thrive-to-survive children. She worked miracles with these children, as well with us! Needless to say, myself and my 3 other adopted siblings came to them, due to very bad situations, with us having experienced all the many horrible types of abuses. We came at different ages, I was 10 months old when placed with them. We were adopted at different ages as well, all under the age of 3 years old. Due to the different unimaginable situations that came with each sibling, along came many difficult individual challenges. My mother was determined to show and work with us, with unconditional love, nurture, compassion, and so much more, while making us a united family! She sacrificed every aspect of herself to save us and she succeeded! Later, she was sought out as the teacher, who positively changed the lives of student’s with learning disabilities, emotional disabilities, trauma disabled, etc in elementary school for years. Then she was sought out as the main teacher/coordinator for the HeadStart program for 3-5 year old students. Any teaching position she was put in, she excelled in and made her students feel loved, able to achieve, give them some form of self confidence and advance in some kind of positive way! She changed the lives of not just myself and my siblings, but for many, many children. She is a grandmother of 6 grandkids. She was in my 2 boys lives from the beginning the most, as we lived there in the same town. Once we moved out of state, every night, with a time difference of an hour later there, she would call my boys and read books together, usually 30-60mins a night and did that through high school. When they were a little older, they would come out to Utah, from Wisconsin, in there perfect 21 ft camper trailer and travel to see all the National Parks. They would always stop at neat tourist traps and visit museums, smaller venues like dinosaur-theme parks-which my oldest was determined at a young age, to become a paleontologist and other amazing places. That’s how myself and 3 other siblings were raised. We took fun educational trips from every Coast, but mainly from West Coast to the East Coast. My mom would have car games, toys to keep us occupied if we got bored, books she would read with us and of course have treats. I consider my dad “Yoda” from the movies called, “StarWars”, as he knew every answer to any question we had or the grandkids had, along with this vast knowledge of just about anything you could think of! From about the age age of three even now in my later years, I would constantly ask the question, “why or how”, and my dad without skipping a beat would be able to explain and answer my questions. My parents let us and their grandkids explore and experience things, not just when we traveled, but at their home. My mother would always have us and the grandkids registered for many fun, entertainment, educational or sports camps in the summer. They were very involved in our lives and that was very important! There was always a parent at one of our functions we were in. I could go on, but I will end my post with this wonderful notion: My parents just celebrated their 50th anniversary together!

    Elizabeth Platt on
  • Such a good read 🤍

    Faith Andrey on
  • You have such a beautiful family!

    Emily Randall on
  • i’ve always loved babies and i can’t wait to have some of my own one day! as much as i said i would’ve started having kids a few years ago, i know it’s all in His timing! i pray to have 2 or 3! this was a cute reason

    Jada on
  • Love the sweet words shared. I have four young kiddos and can very much relate to all you said.

    Bri on

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