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Naturally-Dyed Easter Eggs DIY

Posted by Mekenna Malan on

These beautiful Easter egg dyes are all-natural and can be made with ingredients you may already have in your kitchen! Coloring eggs with these dyes creates varying shades and textures, so no two eggs will look the same. This DIY is a great update for anyone who is looking to make a holiday tradition more eco-friendly and is a fun project for the whole family! 

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs DIY


1 Dozen White Eggs
White Vinegar
2 Beets (Pink)
1 Pint Blueberries (Dark Blue)
1/2 Red Cabbage (Light Blue)
1/4 C. Coffee Grounds (Brown)
2 Tbsp. Turmeric (Yellow)

These measurements make about 2 cups of each dye color.


Gather your ingredients. For each dye color, boil two cups of water and a tablespoon of white vinegar in a pan on the stove. 

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs DIY


Roughly chop beets and red cabbage. 

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs DIY


Place dye ingredient in the water and vinegar mixture. Cover and reduce heat to a simmer for 30 minutes. Repeat with each ingredient. For more vibrant dye colors, add eggs into the boiling mixture during the last eight minutes.

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs DIY


For more pastel dye colors (shown here), strain each dye color into separate mason jars and cool to room temperature. 

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs DIY


Gently set eggs into mason jars. Let sit for 30 minutes or until desired dye color is achieved. Dip eggs into multiple dye jars to create your own shades of purple, orange and green.

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs DIY
Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs DIY


Gently remove eggs from dye jars and blot with paper towels. 

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs DIY


Place dyed eggs in your Easter basket or use as part of your Easter decor!

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs DIY
Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs DIY

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