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Self-Care During the Holidays

Posted by Kelsie Nelson on

The holidays can be some of the best and most memorable times, but also the most stressful and draining times. When we are surrounded by our loved ones, it becomes easier to drain our social batteries. In times like these, it’s important to remember to make ourselves a priority as well! Below we have a fail-safe map for successful self-care during the holidays! 


Pamper Routine 

Pampering myself is easily one of my favorite ways to take care of myself. If you’re anything like me, this time of year is full of running around, supplementing caffeine for sleep, and hitting every possible store to shop for friends and family. When you become extra spread-thin and run down, it’s very important to slow down and take care of yourself physically. Otherwise, you may end up with a full-body shutdown for Christmas. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Shut off your phone
  • Light your favorite candle
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Get a Mani/Pedi
  • Do a hair mask
  • Do a face mask
  • Get a massage 

self care routineShop this look: Lavender La La Bath SoakTribbiani Beech Wood Bath Brush 




Something I personally think should be required every single day is to decompress. Whether it was a long day at work, 12 hours of shopping, or even a fun day with friends, you still need time each night to decompress! What better way to get centered than by jumping out of your own head? Below we have some ideas to help you accomplish this:
  • Read a book
  • Go on a drive
  • Write
  • Watch an old favorite movie/tv show
  • Take a walk
  • Jam out 
  • Take a nap

woman decompressing by reading Shop this look: The Snuggle Is Real Pajama Onesie



Get Productive

A quick and effective way to get out of your head and reset is to get productive and get your hands moving! I find that doing somewhat mindless tasks give me the decompression time I need without the restlessness that follows movie marathons. Below we have some ideas for some easy ways to take care of yourself in a productive way:

  • Try your hand at baking 
  • Refresh and reorganize your space
  • Clear out clutter on your phone 
  • Throw out old/expired makeup and skincare
  • Clean your makeup brushes 
  • Do all of your laundry– including your bedding
  • Purge your closet

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Socialize When You’re Ready

Sometimes, what you need to feel yourself again is to spend time with those you can be yourself around! So once your social battery is replenished, make time for the people in your life, and be intentional with it! Below are some ideas to consider for socializing during the holidays:

  • Set boundaries
  • Laugh with your loved ones
  • Express gratitude for those in your life
  • Forgive those who hurt you
  • Meet someone new
  • Try out a new board game or puzzle
  • Have a girls' night

family spending time togetherShop this look: The Snuggle Is Real Pajama OnesieFort Collins Tree PulloverFort Collins Tree Joggers



What is your favorite self-care ritual? Let us know in the comments below!

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