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Healthy After School Snack Idea

Posted by Kelsie Nelson on

Trying to get your kids to eat healthy food can be a very difficult task, I get it! How do you make fruits and vegetables look better than brownies and cookies? Sometimes it's not about what the food is, but how it's presented! We came up with an easy snack idea that fulfills the healthy snack need, while still providing a fun and interactive experience for your child! Below you will find all of the supplies and steps needed to make yummy-yummy caterpillars + yummy-yummy snails! 

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Back-to-School Outfit Guide 2022

Posted by Kelsie Nelson on

It's that time of year when we start dreaming of freshly-sharpened pencils, new notebooks, and the perfect first day of school outfit! Read on to see six back-to-school outfits that deserve an A+.

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