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50 Things You Can Do to Be Happier and Healthier in 2021

Posted by Mekenna Malan on

Maybe you have a long list of resolutions, or maybe you've set goals to pick up small, simple habits this year. Small steps bring about big change, so we compiled a list of 50 things you can do to be happier and healthier in 2021. This can be the year of anything you want it to be, so dream big and work hard!


1. Meal prep at the beginning of the week.

2. Move your body once every day.

3. Buy yourself flowers.

4. Call your best friend regularly.

5. Keep a list of positive mantras on your mirror.

6. Drink more water.

7. Take more time to develop your talents and hobbies.

8. Say "no" when you want to say no.

9. Clean out your closet and donate any clothes that don't make you feel confident.

10. Take more hot baths.

11. Wear sunscreen every day.

12. Keep a gratitude journal.

13. Start a club with your friends (book club, brunch club, Bachelor-watching club...).

14. Delete unused apps on your phone and set screen time limits.

15. Take more small breaks throughout your workday to stretch and rest your eyes.

16. Put your phone away at least 30 minutes before bed.

17. Text or call the people you love when you think of them.

18. Stop tracking your calories and focus on nutrients instead.

19. Take a probiotic and a multivitamin.

20. Focus on an uplifting theme or word for your year.

21. Turn on music and dance in the mornings.

22. Be better at delegating tasks.

23. Make a list of uplifting books to read.

24. Shut down negative self-talk.

25. Eat mindfully.

26. Get enough sleep.

27. Outline a budget and keep it.

28. Cook something new.

29. Take the stairs or park at the end of the parking lot.

30. Plan a vacation or getaway to look forward to.

31. Disinfect your phone and computer weekly.

32. Do one thing at a time.

33. Treat yourself to sheet mask facials.

34. Download an app to help you meditate daily.

35. Work vegetables into all of your meals.

36. Say "Thank you" instead of "I'm sorry."

37. Read ingredient labels.

38. Buy yourself some workout clothes that make you feel confident.

39. When you compliment someone in your head, say it to them out loud.

40. Wash your sheets and towels more often.

41. Cut out soda.

42. When you think of a to-do task that takes 5 minutes or less, do it immediately.

43. Set reminders to take deep breaths throughout your day.

44. Start recycling or composting.

45. Surround yourself with people and things you love, and remove anything you don't.

46. Floss your teeth every night.

47. Get a library card.

48. Write down small steps toward your big dreams and goals.

49. Be a better listener and empathetic communicator.

50. Forgive others and yourself.

What tips and tricks are you implementing to be healthier and happier this year? Let us know in the comments!

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